Update: Price Alert | Defender for CSPM
Now August 1st pricing goes into place for Defender for CSPM
Quick update on this news billing will now start on August 1st.
Hey all just a heads up in case you hadn’t seen or heard, Defender for CSPM has gone GA and where this plan is enabled on Azure Subscriptions or AWS Connectors will begin charging now on August 1st.
If your intention is not to use Defender for CSPM in some of your environments you can switch back to the foundational CSPM (Security Score and Recommendations) which does not carry a charge.
*One note here is that there is overlap with some functionality and features found in other Defender plans and Defender for CSPM in particular (Agentless Scanning, Regulatory Compliance, Data Security Posture) are also found in the Defender plans.
You can leverage the following KQL Query in Azure Graph Explorer to identify which Azure subscriptions have Defender for CSPM enabled (Hat Tip: Chris Jackson) : CSPM Pricing
| where type == "microsoft.security/pricings"
| where name == "CloudPosture"
| where properties["freeTrialRemainingTime"] != ""
| where properties["pricingTier"] != ""
| join kind = leftouter(securityresources
| where type == "microsoft.security/pricings"
| where name == "CloudPosture"
|extend tolower(properties["freeTrialRemainingTime"])
|extend tolower(properties["pricingTier"])) on subscriptionId
|project subscriptionId,TimeRemaining= Column1,PricingTier=Column2
| summarize Count=count() by PricingTier
You can use the following methods to switch from Defender for CSPM ($) to foundational CSPM (Free) on your Azure Subscriptions. You can target per subscription or on management groups including the root management group for all subscriptions:
Method 1: Leverage a PowerShell Script
Method 2: Leverage a Azure Policy
Hi, I've heard that Microsoft CSPM Defender trial is being enabled automatically and charging cost after the trial is ended, what's your suggestion?